Ham Radio Prep is a cutting-edge FCC license exam study tool. Long gone are the days of buying a book and reading it five times, hoping you pass the FCC exam. Ham Radio Prep uses neuroscience to help you pass your exam on the first attempt. They believe in their course design so much that if you don’t pass the FCC exam on your first try they’ll give you your money back pay for your exam fee. Who does that?! #hamradio #amateurradio #hamradioprep
I feel uniquely qualified to review ham radio study guides. I spent nearly five years on the faculty at the University of Colorado. Designing course material and understanding how to convey information isn’t an unfamiliar topic. When it comes to ham radio license study guides, you have a lot of options to choose from.
Ham Radio Prep is a fantastic choice for existing hams, but I feel is especially great for new people looking to get into ham radio. It gives you a great introduction to ham radio without being overly technical and intimidating.