Ham Radio Prep releases full video online course for the new US Amateur Radio Technician License exam questions for 2022 - 2026

Ham Radio Prep releases full video online course for the new US Amateur Radio Technician License exam questions for 2022-2026

Ham Radio Prep releases full video online course for the new US Amateur Radio Technician License exam questions for 2022 - 2026
By Ham Radio Prep

Published on 1st June 2022

SHERIDAN, Wyoming – For those looking to get their entry-level US Amateur Radio Technician License, aka ham radio license, the exam questions are updating starting on July 1st, 2022. The new questions will be valid through 2026.

Ham Radio Prep, the nation’s fastest-growing amateur radio education program, has launched a completely revamped multimedia course covering all of the questions in the updated exam, making it possible for aspiring amateur radio operators to study the new questions without missing a beat.

The new course includes not only text study guides, but completely revamped video learning, games, quizzes and real-life practice tests much like one experiences when taking the official Federal Communications Commission amateur radio license exam.

Ham Radio Prep has made a massive investment in the future of ham radio with its new Technician license course and will only improve upon the popular study program already used by more than 60,000 successful students. The course is the first and only complete video course that covers the new question pool that goes into effect July 1.

“Our new course was a collaboration with hams with decades of experience,” James Cribbs, founder and CEO of Ham Radio Prep said. “In retooling the course, we focused on effectiveness while teaching the concepts, remaining short and to the point to ensure high completion rates.”

Since its start, Ham Radio Prep has upgraded its Technician license course three times to meet the demands of its tens of thousands of students studying in the online platform. The new course is based on the new FCC question pool that is in effect from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2026.

The Technician class license is the entry-level permit issued to persons who want to get on the air as amateur radio operators. Hams with the Technician license can help provide emergency communications in their community, experiment on the air and talk with other operators both in their general region as well as around the world, depending on radio frequencies used and atmospheric conditions.

Question pools for amateur radio licenses are rewritten every four years by the National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators, a non-profit organization that ensures the integrity of the licensing process for ham radio in the United States. New questions reflect changes in technology, rules changes and more. Ham Radio Prep submitted 25 questions to the NCVEC for use in the new question pool, and a number of those submitted are reflected in the new questions and answers.

“Ham Radio Prep drew upon the expertise of our own staff as well as our many students to draw together questions we felt were important to be included on this new round of Technician class exams,” Chuck Gysi, general manager of Ham Radio Prep, said. “Our students often have comments about the questions they encounter on their exams and we used that input to bring their experience to the NCVEC question pool committee.”

Questions submitted by Ham Radio Prep to the NCVEC included correct answers and distractors on a variety of subjects ranging from amateur radio operations, technology, emissions, FCC rules and regulations, frequency use and more.

There are more than 775,000 licensed amateur radio operators in the United States and its territories. Ham Radio Prep offers courses designed to teach people online the information they need to take the three classes of exams that grant them FCC licenses for amateur radio. The courses also teach students how to be legal and safe on the airwaves, in accordance with FCC rules and regulations.

Ham Radio Prep was established in 2017 to assist people interested in obtaining an FCC-issued amateur radio license by offering courses for the Technician, General and Amateur Extra class licenses. For more information about Ham Radio Prep, go to http://www.hamradioprep.com.

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Level 1

Technician License Course

Technician License Course (Level 1)
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General License Course

General License Course (Level 2)
Level 3

Extra License Course

Extra License Course (Level 2)
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