More than 60,000 students trust for preparing for their FCC Ham Radio License Exam. Let’s see what our students have to say about our study system.
More than 60,000 students trust for preparing for their FCC Ham Radio License Exam. Let’s see what our students have to say about our study system.
These are REAL, verified reviews from our students!
Passed my Tech Exam after only five days of study.
I purchased both the Technician and General courses a while back, but due to my busy schedule, I had not gotten to study for the exam. I am a full-time college student and recently got a small break between classes, so I decided to go for my tech license. I studied for only five days before I took the exam and passed. Back to class for now, but I will pursue my General license very soon. Thanks, Ham Radio Prep.
The videos with supporting text gave me…2 ways to learn
The videos with supporting text gave me 2 ways to learn the same information. I am a visual learner so the videos were a GREAT way for me to get the information to PASS the Technician Test. Passed it on 9/22/22 and now have started studying for the General license.
Took it using the Remote option from the Alaska Radio club…here in Texa.
I always wanted to get my ham radio…
But I am a full time 60-70 hours per week manager with little time for anything. I am also very old and didn’t think I’d have the mindset to retain anything anymore. However, I took a chance and bought the course and in 6 weeks I was ready. I took the test and passed on my first try and I am now getting ready for my General license…
Absolutely amazing! Worth it!
Studying using this guide and taking practice tests helped so much! The practice tests were formatted almost exactly like the real test! Thank you so much for the help! This is a great study guide to learn from! Worth it for sure!
It was a great study guide
It was a great study guide, as a previous instructor, I felt it was well written and provided exactly what I needed to pass the exam. Yes, started studying on a Monday, took the test Saturday and passed the tech exam. Practice exams were perfect examples. No surprises at all.
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