How to Register for Your FRN (Ham Radio License Exam)

Before getting your ham radio license, you must first register for your FRN. 

What is an FRN? An FRN, or FCC Registration Number, is a ten digit number that identifies your business dealings with the FCC

The FCC requires a permanent address, so they can reach you if need be. You will need to provide your FRN to the Volunteer Examiners at the testing session so they can process your application.

Although you can register by mail, it is advised that you do the process online as it is much simpler and gets a faster response.

How to Register for your FRN?

Follow these steps below to register:

Go to the FCC CORES (Commission Registration System) site at this address: In the box labeled “Need a Username” click “Register”
On the FCC User Registration System page fill in the requested fields with your personal and click “Create Account” when completed.
You should have an email from the FCC. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. Once you have confirmed, the landing page will have a button that says “Go to CORES.” Click that link.

Note: Images from FCC Instructional Video, screen may vary.
CORE Step 3
CORE Step 4
In the CORES window select the link labeled “Register New FRN.” When it asks if you are registering as an entity or as an individual, for hams it’s usually “Individual.” Also answer the question about the address, and click continue.
CORE Step 5
CORE Step 6
Complete the form. Note the “Domestic Entity” section will not appear if you chose an Individual FRN previously.
CORE Step 7

When complete, your FRN number should appear at the top of this page. Write it down or print it to take with you to your testing session and give to the VE’s.

CORE Step 8

You are done!

How long should it take to receive your FRN?

Immediately after submitting your forms from the steps above you will receive your FRN on the registration confirmation web page. You will not have to wait for mail, and if you need to make any immediate changes to your registration information you are able to do so.

Looking up your FRN in the database

Already have your FRN and want to look up your registration? Visit and look up your FRN profile. This search can be done by FRN number, Business name, Last name, or EIN used to register.
I’m Having Trouble. Can I get more help? The FCC has support videos for the CORES system at:
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